Training in Couples and Family Therapy
This course is theoretical and practical, with support for families and couples from the second semester onwards.
We will go through the history of Family Therapy, from its beginnings to the present day.
By participating in collaborative and dialogical conversations, the student will discuss theory and experience practice, in the exchange of experiences, dynamics and clinical care, developing a systemic relational posture and a social constructionist perspective.
We will work with the group to move from a traditional worldview to one that takes complexity, instability and intersubjectivity into account, and we will move from an individual focus to a relational focus. We will pay attention to issues of race, class and gender and all the intersections of discourses that generate inequality and suffering.
Working with and caring for the therapist's "person" is our concern throughout the course.
The services provided during the course are carried out in co-therapy with a reflective team, which, in addition to enhancing the services, gives students the opportunity to participate in several sessions. In addition to the services , we offer three possibilities for practicing the practice: Community, Family Services in other services/institutions and ITFSP Collaborative Clinic.
Course Duration: 3 years theoretical/practical with presentation of monograph / Workload: 4 hours per week
Partnership with the Anchieta Grajaú Institute
Monitoring the institution's work teams and providing care to families in situations of social vulnerability, providing an important experience of the complexity involved in issues of social injustice and exclusion that permeate the daily lives of these families.
Collaborative Clinic
Services in Institutions
Instituto de Terapia de São Paulo
Students and alumni provide co-therapy services, with a reflective team, and bi-weekly supervisions.
Important experience for building a space that contributes to theoretical-practical discussions, and in strengthening connections in our Collaborative Learning Community.
Partnership with the Faculty of Public Health at the University of São Paulo offers students, in addition to case management, contact and exchanges with another institution in the construction of collaborative dialogues with teams that work with other perspectives and paradigms.
Classes will be theoretical and accompanied by practical experiences, with everyone participating in the exchange of experiences, dynamics in small groups, and discussion of films/videos.
Throughout the course, in parallel with the theoretical content developed, we will work with each student to help them understand how their history and lived experiences affect their perception of facts. This will help them develop a self-questioning stance about what happens to them in their relationship with the “other”, and use the resonances experienced in their professional practice.
Furthermore, we work to ensure that students can have politicized listening: depathological , anti-racist , feminist and with class consciousness, so that oppressive discourses are always perceived and confrontations are legitimized.
Our goal is also to work on group dynamics, developing a collaborative approach and creating bonds that encourage learning and welcoming future professionals.
Each student must serve two families in co-therapy, starting in the second semester of the 1st year, with supervision and with a reflective team, which allows participation in all the services of colleagues, increasing the richness of the clinical experience .
Criteria for admission to the course: Interview and CV analysis. An undergraduate degree is required.
Criteria for completing the course: Minimum attendance of 80% of classes and submission of a monograph.
Qualification awarded to graduating students: Couple and Family Therapist. Certificate recognized by the São Paulo Association of Family Therapy (APTF) and the Brazilian Association of Family Therapy (ABRATEF)
1st Year
• Notions of paradigm and epistemology
• New-paradigmatic systemic thinking
• The Family as a system – foundations of systemic-relational therapy
• Family: evolution of the concept and contemporaneity - race, gender, class, culture
• Human Communication
• From Cybernetic Epistemology to the Epistemology of Complexity. Bateson, Maturana and Morin. • Linguistic Turn: from representative language to constitutive language
• Human systems understood as linguistic systems
• Conversation as an enabler of new descriptions
• History of Family Therapy
• Themes in family therapy: Life Cycle, loyalties, resonances, triangles, differentiation
• Experiential Symbolic School – Carl Whitaker, Virginia Satir
• Structural School – Salvador Minuchin
• Strategic School – Jay Haley, Paul Watzlawick
• Milan Team I and II – Mara Selvini Palazzoli, Giuliana Prata, Gianfranco Cecchin, Luigi Boscolo
• Intergenerational/Trigenerational School: Murray Bowen, Mauricio Andolfi, Borzomeny-Nagy
• Selection of pairs for Service
• Cotherapy sessions and reflective team
• Supervision
2nd. Year
• Social constructionist epistemology
• Reflective Team and Contributions from Tom Andersen
• Narrative therapy – Contributions from Michael White, David Epston, David Newman, David Denborough
• Collaborative Therapy: Harlene Anderson, Sheila McNamee and Sylvia London
• Dialogical Practices: Peter Rober, Jaakko Seikkula
• Genogram – Dynamics and Theory
• Choosing a Spouse – Silent Pacts
• Romantic Love X Current Couple
• Infidelity, Separation and Remarriage
• Gender and sexual diversity issues
• Clinical techniques for couples care
• Choosing couples for Care
• Cotherapy and reflective team sessions
• Supervision
3rd. Year
• Domestic violence, drugs, adoption, mental health, loss and grief.
• Support Network Systems: Family Network; Social Network; Institutional Network.
• Contributions of Community Therapy for the family therapist
• Choosing the topic and preparing the Dissertation
• Choosing the pairs for Service
• Co-therapy sessions and reflective team
• Supervision