ITF History
Family and Couples Therapy Training – since 1990 in São Paulo
Family and Couples Therapy Training – 2013/2015 in Araçatuba
Family and Couples Therapy Training – 1998/2004 in Uberlândia
Family and Couples Therapy Training – since 1999 in São José do Rio Preto
Aimed at professionals to work in clinical practice; it provides elements for understanding the dynamics of family relationships, building new ways of acting, developing the ability to create contexts that favor conversations that promote the individual and the family. It enables the development of personal, theoretical and practical resources necessary to serve families and couples, in the relational-systemic approach in different contexts.

Capacity Building
“Working with Families” – Training course (since 2012) Aimed at professionals who work with families in their practices. It provides elements for understanding the dynamics of family relationships, building new ways of working. It trains professionals to work with families and groups of families, but does not train professionals to provide clinical care;
Partnership between ITFSP/NEPP – Center for Studies in Public Policy at Unicamp – Supervision for SEMADS Technicians – CRAS, CREJUV, CREAS (2009 to 2012);
Training in Community Therapy – 100 hours (2005 to 2012);
Training – To understand and work with Families – professionals from the social assistance network (daycare centers, UBSs, shelters, Socio-Educational Centers, Casa Moradia, among others), City Hall of Jundiaí and Campo Limpo Paulista (2003 to 2010);
Training for professionals in the social network of the Santo André Health Department (2003/2004);
Training of professionals from the Obra do Berço (2005 to 2012);
Training of professionals from PROASF – Family Social Assistance Program, professionals from entities in the health care network in the northern area of ​​São Paulo and SAS professionals;
Training – doctors from the Family Health Program (PSF) of São Paulo – 2005;
Practical Course in Community Therapy for professionals from the Municipal Government of Jundiaí – 2006;
Motivational work with needy families participating in the Renda Cidadã Program, of the Municipality of Jundiaí – 2007;
Training Course – Broadening the perspective of the family – aimed at professionals from welfare entities in Jundiaí – (2007 – 2012);

Social Clinic
Special projects
Assistance – families referred by various institutions in the social network (since 1995).
City Hall of Jundiaí – transformation of meetings with families of the Citizen Income and implementation and supervision of the CRAS/CREAS.
APAE of Jundiaí
Obra do Berço Association
City Hall of São Paulo
Anchieta Grajaú Institute
Faculty of Public Health of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo
Herdeiros do Futuro Institute
Family Action Program – living in community – partnership with the City Hall of São Paulo – Municipal Department of Assistance and Social Development
Foster Family Project – jurisdiction of the Child and Youth Courts of the Regional Forums of Pinheiros and Santo Amaro (2007 to 2009)
Group Management Training – partnership with the City of São Paulo – Municipal Department of Social Welfare and Development (2016)
PROASF – Family Social Welfare Program – partnership with the City of São Paulo – Department of Social Welfare and Development
São José do Rio Preto (partnership with the ELO Center in training, qualification and network service projects).
Projeto Resgate Cidadão – partnership with the Municipal Health Department of São Paulo: raising awareness among professionals at the Basic Health Units in the Vila Formosa District
Project: Residents of Viaducts – partnership with the Municipal Department of Social Welfare of São Paulo: individual and group service for residents of viaducts and coordination meetings with the network of institutions involved.

Work with Multifamilies – partnership with Casa de Apoio Taiguara: inclusion work with groups of family members of the children and adolescents at the Casa, through listening, welcoming and strengthening self-esteem.
NEPP – Unicamp – 2009 (center for studies in public policy)
City Hall of Guarujá
Internship program for students of the family therapy training course at the Faculty of Public Health of FMSP, since 2017
Internship program for students of the family therapy training course at the Anchieta Grajaú Institute.
Supervision of the team at Instituto Herdeiros do Futuro, 2018.
Other Partnerships: NET Família (Santos), UNIBES (SP), CEAF (SP) and Fondazione Silvano Andolfi (Rome).

Clinical workshop and supervision with Silvia London (September 2017)
“Collective Narrative Practices – metaphors that help organize stories”. Adriana Muller (October 2017).
“Contemporary Therapy in Sexual and Gender Diversity”. Eduardo Lomando (September 2017)
Book launch: “Men and violence against women”, class with the author Adriano Beiras (May 2017). In partnership with the Noos Institute.
“When the minority is in families”. Edith Modesto, (October 2015)
Workshop: “The Construction of parental roles in the adoptive family and in the various configurations of the contemporary family.” (March 2015). Dr. Antonio D’Andrea
Workshop: “From violence to peace: possible paths”. (Araçatuba, July 2015). Simone Bambini Negozio.
Workshop: “Meditation and Well-being” (October 2015). Simone Bambini Negozio.

Workshop: “From the Culture of Violence to the Culture of Peace” May 2012, at Fundação Casa – Simone Bambini Negozio
Course: Expanding Resources to Work with Domestic Violence: Violence Study Group for Peace – APTF – São Paulo Association of Family Therapy (October to November 2011)
Course for Social Workers of Freemasonry (Grand Orient of São Paulo) – Working with Families (2010)
Workshop: Building Social Bridges: working with families in vulnerable situations. (May 2010) Flora Auron, Tai Castilho, Marilene Grandesso, Maria Lucia Martinelli, Paulo Fernando Pereira de Souza, Dr. Reinaldo Cintra and Walkyria Acquesta
Workshop: “Family Business: The Trigenerational Dance of the Family in the Business” (May 2006) Tai Castilho and Renata Bernhoeft
Workshop: “Family Foster Care: Network Work” (February 2007) Dr. Antonio D´Andrea
“Listening and seeing – working with metaphors – children, adolescents and families” (August 2004) Dr. Carmine Saccu
“Community Therapy for Socio-Educational Groups” (March/2004) Dr. Adalberto Barreto
“Invent new parents” (April/2004) Daniel Sampaio
“Community Therapy: working on family skills” (May/2004) Dr. Adalberto Barreto
“The art of asking questions” (September/2004) Dr. Paulo Fernando Pereira de Souza
“The socio-family dimension in Social Inclusion Seminar on Proasf (Social Assistance Program for Families)” (October/2004)
“Working with poor families in Brazil” (October/2004) Dr. Paulo Fernando Pereira de Souza
“Reception” (November/2004) Dr. Humberto Mariotti
Workshop: “Family, society and social workers facing the challenge of the Adoption experience” (August/2005). Dr. Antonio D’Andrea