Cristiana Pires Gonçalves Pereira

+55 11 999661707

Clinical psychologist graduated from USP in 1986. Lived in Argentina for three years, where she began her studies on human relationships and communication. Specialized in couples and family therapy at PUCSP in 1993. Expanding her work with families, also providing services in the community, led to her training as a Community Therapist in 2002.
Coordinating the Family Therapy Institute of São Paulo – ITFSP, for the last 10 years, she is a teacher and supervisor in training and qualification courses. Implementing and monitoring projects to assist families and train social workers in partnership with city governments and various institutions.
Obtained the International Certificate of Collaborative and Dialogical Practices ICCP in 2017 and continues her studies. Gives courses and lectures on family, couples, human relations, and the potentialization of individual and community resources in São Paulo and the interior of the state, accompanying work teams in CAPS, CRAS and CREAS.
Presented papers at Brazilian and International Congresses in the area of Family Therapy, Community Therapy and Collaborative Practices

Monica de Oliveira Genofre

+55 11 998949489

Clinical Psychologist from PUC/SP (1985) – Couple and Family Therapist from PUC/SP (2003)
Full Member of APTF – São Paulo Family Therapy Association of SP
Worked on the Foster Family Pilot Project of the City of SP
Member of the management team, teacher and supervisor of the training and qualification courses in Family Therapy at the Instituto de Terapia Familiar de São Paulo since 2006. Has been working in private practice since 1997. Contact: cell phone: 998949489 / email:
Simone Bambini Negozio

+55 11 983320885

Family Therapist at the Institute of Family Therapy of São Paulo – ITFSP (2005); Professor and supervisor at ITFSP.
Full member of the São Paulo Association of Family Therapy
Teacher, supervisor and member of the ITFSP management team since 2008.
worked on the Foster Family Pilot Project and on Training for the technical team of CREAS (Specialized Reference Centers for Social Assistance), both in the city of São Paulo.
Member of the Board of Trustees of the Lama Gangchen Foundation for Culture of Peace. Developed projects focusing on education for peace and well-being of teams from schools, companies and NGOs, from 2008 to 2020.
Conflict Mediation – Mediativa Institute, 2011.
Facilitator of Meditation in Health, UNIFESP, 2014.


Ana Paula Mariotto Prado
Pedagogue from PUC SP (1987) Psychopedagogue from Instituto Sedes Sapientiae (2003)
Couple and Family Therapist at the São Paulo Institute of Family Therapy (2010)
Full Member of APTF – São Paulo Family Therapy Association.
Member, teacher of the Family Therapy training courses at the Family Therapy Institute of São Paulo. Teacher for 16 years in Elementary School. Has been working in clinical care since 2003.
Denise Freitas
Family Therapist at the Institute of Family Therapy of São Paulo - ITFSP (2018).
Social Worker, specialized in Systemic Relational Therapy.
Full member of the São Paulo Association of Family Therapy.
Integrative Community Therapist 2022 by the Liga Solidária Pole and Interface Pole.
Worked on training the Technical staff of the Social Assistance Reference Centers - CRAS, in the process of managing groups in social work with families in 2016.
Implemented and coordinated the support group for drug addicts and their families, the Celebrating Recovery Program, from 2013 to 2020.

Domitila Shizue Kawakami Gonzaga

+55 16 981439445

Psychologist (CRP 06/129020) graduated from UFSCar (Federal University of São Carlos), in 2012. Has a master's degree in Special Education from the same institution, completed in 2014. Main study interests at that time focused on issues of violence against children and parental relationships, which led her to train in Systemic Family and Couple Therapy at UNIFESP (Federal University of São Paulo), completed in 2015.
Completed her PhD in Psychology at USP (University of São Paulo – Ribeirão Preto campus), with a double degree from the University of Porto, Portugal, completed in 2020. After completing her PhD, she immersed herself in activities related to social constructionist clinic, especially guided by the sensibilities of narrative and dialogical practices. In this movement, she obtained the International Certificate in Collaborative and Dialogical Practices (ICCP) in 2022. Main focuses of study and interest are feminisms and issues of gender and sexuality.
Worked in different organizations and academic activities, with a focus on social and family issues, especially guided by the structural issues that build social values. Currently interested in working in the psychotherapeutic clinic (whether through individual, family, or couples clinical care or through clinical dialogue meetings) from a politically engaged perspective, understanding this space as a transformative resource for society.
Eduardo Lomando
Eduardo Lomando is a psychologist, master and doctor in social psychology.
Specialist in clinical psychology using the systemic and cognitive approach.
Professor and coordinator of postgraduate studies in systemic therapy, sexual and gender therapy at INTCC and IPGS.
Founder and coordinator at Napse - Center for attention and health promotion in sexuality and gender.
Author of the book TMS - Systemic Movement Therapy.
Since 2020, he has collaborated with ITFSP, giving workshops, classes and supervisions.

Maria Cecilia Astete Salazar
Psychologist – University of Chile. Master in Clinical Psychology PUC-SP (Center for Psychosomatics and Hospital Psychology), 2004 Specialist in Family and Couple Therapy PUC-SP, 1992. Specialist in Family and Couple Therapy PUC-SP, 1992. Training in Narrative Therapy by the Center for the Study of Therapies, Salvador – Brazil in collaboration with the Dulwich Center of Adelaide-Australia, 2013. Somatodrama – Psychosomatics and Psychodrama by the Paulista School of Psychodrama, 1999
Professor and Supervisor at the Institute of Family Therapy of São Paulo. Professor and Supervisor of PROTEF (Family Therapy Program) of the Department of Psychiatry at UNIFESP – (Federal University of São Paulo), 2001-2011. Professor and Supervisor of the course Family: Dynamics and Process of Change at PUC-SP, 1996-2000. Professor of the specialization course Somatodrama at the Paulista School of Psychodrama, 2000-2005.
Supervisor of the training course for family therapists UNIVAP (Universidade do Vale do Paraíba, 2004-2005. Professor of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Education at the University of Concepción – Chile, 1971-1976
Maria Luiza Moreno Carmona
Psychologist from São Marco University – 1981. Psychotherapist, psychologist (since 1982) and clinical supervisor (since 2003). Couple and Family Psychotherapist, from PUC-SP (1999)
Psychodramatist graduated from the Paulista School of Psychodrama (EPP/SP) – 2003. Community Therapist – trained by Professor Adalberto Barreto (2003).
Specialist in E/Immigration – Study Center of the Department of Social Psychology of the Institute of Psychology/USP – Professor Dr. Sylvia Duarte Dantas de Biaggi (since 2004).
Member, teacher and supervisor of training and qualification courses in Family Therapy at the Institute of Family Therapy of São Paulo (since 2004).
Member of the study group on Immigration Psychology and Psychotherapist at the Intercultural Orientation Service (IP/USP) – (2005/2008)

Marli de Oliveira
Formação em Terapia de Família e Casal – Instituto de Terapia Familiar de São Paulo – 2018.
Formação em Práticas Colaborativas e Dialógicas – ICCP V – Certificação Internacional pelo Instituto Taos – Instituto Interfaci 2015.
Terapeuta de Casais – Instituto Moreno de Psicodrama - 2014
Mestrado em Psicologia Social – PUC. SP – 1996 Tema: Distribuidoras de Folhetos: Um outro olhar sobre adolescentes em situação de rua.
Aperfeiçoamento em Violência Doméstica/Abuso e Exploração Sexual – Sedes Sapientiae – 2005
Terapeuta Comunitária – Associação Saúde da Família – Ceará - 2005
Especialização em Psicodrama – PUC. SP: 2000
Graduação em Psicologia - Universidade de Guarulhos - UNG – 1985
Curso de Mediação de Conflitos – Palas Athena – 2006
Curso de Justiça Restaurativa - Palas Athena – 2006
Gerente de Projetos Sociais, Supervisão de Projetos Sociais Coordenação de Projetos Sociais, Novembro de 2002 a Maio 2020 – Liga Solidária.
Sarah Baia
Degree in psychology from the Federal University of Pará and a master's degree from the same institution, studying riverside families in the Amazon. Therapist for individuals, families and couples, having trained at ITFSP. Lived in Italy for 14 years, where has studied and worked in an intercultural context.
Her professional activity is focused on family care in the transition to parenthood and on issues related to migration. Much of her professional career has been marked by care for children, adolescents and their families in situations of social vulnerability in northern Brazil.

Tai Castilho
Family Therapist, Speech Therapist and Master in Social Psychology from PUC/SP. In Rome (1982-1986) specialized in Systemic Relational Family Therapy, at the Center for Research Studies in Couple and Family Therapy, directed by professors Camilo Loriedo and Gaspari Vella, at the University of Rome.
Founded the São Paulo Family Therapy Institute in 1990. Since 1988, has been dedicated to therapy activities and studies of family relationships in Brazil, from a clinical and theoretical point of view.
Coordinator and supervisor of programs affiliated with the City of São Paulo, such as Proasf and Família Acolhedora. Founding Member of APTF – São Paulo Association of Family Therapy.
PhD student at the University of Coimbra in Clinical Psychology, in the thematic area of Family Psychotherapy and Family Intervention.
Tais Masi
Psychologist (CRP 06/140507) graduated 15 years ago, with specializations in parental relationships and child and adolescent development. Holds the titles of parental counselor and specialist in family and couples therapy, a degree obtained at ITFSP itself.
Began her career working with children and young people in EGJs of the Department of Social Assistance and as Coordinator of Socioemotional Development and teacher at the NGO Instituto Criar de TV e Cinema, working with young people aged 17 to 21, where she learned a lot about the importance of a critical look at social discourses and social constructionism in serving individuals and families.
At the same time, worked as a consultant and coordinator of organizational culture management, education and development programs for leaders in several companies, where she was able to broaden her perspective from individual action to a systemic and cultural focus, talking with managers responsible for teams about the importance of aspects of climate, relationships and symbols and cultural processes in their work.
Over the past 7 years, has dedicated her work mainly to serving families, couples, children and young people, integrating her experience with systemic relational approaches and giving lectures at different companies and schools addressing topics on parenting, family relationships, communication and mental health.
Co-founder of Jardim Muriqui, an accessible early childhood education school in the city of São Francisco Xavier and an Advisor in the women's mental health education pillar of B2Mamy, the largest community of mothers in Brazil and an official partner of the UN Global Compact in Brazil.

Maria Virgínia Freire
Psychologist (CRP 83011) graduated from the University of São Francisco (2005). She trained in Family and Couple Therapy at the Institute of Family and Couple Therapy - Campinas (2008). Participated in Advanced Studies in Systemic Practices at the Digital School Aprender Vivo (2022) and is certified in Dialogical and Collaborative Practices by Interfaci (Institute of Family, Couple, Community and Individual Therapy), ICCP XII, International Certification by the Taos Institute (2023). Participates in study groups on Couple Therapy and Major Challenges of the Clinic.
Worked for 23 years as Coordinator, Educational Advisor and Director of Elementary I at Colégio Visconde de Porto Seguro, Valinhos, and currently serves individuals, families and couples in her office.