The ITFSP – Family Therapy Institute of São Paulo is a non-profit association that trains professionals, serves families and institutions, promoting the strengthening of social bonds and the development of relational skills.
Since 1989, based on the interest of a group of professionals in contributing to the training of people who dedicated themselves to working with families, the ITFSP has been disseminating knowledge about Family Therapy from a relational-systemic perspective and its evolution, integrating postmodern therapies; an approach to mental health and education, which creates a new perspective on an old issue: family relationships.
Over time, the Institute has become a reference for working with families, in aspects involving family and social well-being. The experience has also brought the possibility of contributing to social justice, since the focus on the family and its relationships expands the citizenship of its members and their civic participation. In this way, it began to work on social projects, further expanding its scope of knowledge and action.
"Cooperation in coexistence is what constitutes society"
Humberto Maturana
Our Values
Acreditamos no ser humano e na possibilidade de melhorar e transformar suas relações em diferentes contextos;
Acreditamos na abordagem relacional sistêmica e sua evolução integrando as terapias pós modernas, nas posturas colaborativas e dialógicas;
Acreditamos na mudança a partir de um olhar e de uma escuta que possibilita reconhecimento de competências e gera novos sentidos e significados para que as pessoas possam lidar melhor com seus desafios fortalecendo as relações e conexões entras as pessoas, as famílias e as redes sociais;
Acreditamos que há muito o que fazer para desnaturalizar as estruturas nefastas da sociedade brasileira e para isso estamos sensíveis e atentas às questões de racismo, gênero, violências e poder que transpassam tod@s nós.

Our work
To train and qualify professionals who work with human relations, families and institutions.
In tune with a systemic and dialogical vision, recognizing the interdependence and interconnections of contexts and the power of transformative conversations.
Developing work methodologies that contribute to transformation and social justice, attentive and resistant to dominant discourses in order to denaturalize them at every opportunity.
Our Mission
Establish itself as a differentiated entity, training and qualifying professionals who work with families and institutions and becoming a reference center for knowledge and social methodologies.
That therapists trained at ITFSP develop a collaborative and ethical attitude, where personal transformation is the first step towards transforming society.